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Expandable Ticker

This property offers the same high reach as our regular ticker property coupled with even higher engagement and time spent.

PLACEMENT BIKEWALE : a) Desktop.   b)M-Site.

We have the following types of expandable ticker properties to offer 

  1. Static- The curated content and design on our static tickers is manufactured in a way to get the maximum eyeballs and entice users curiosity about the product

  2. Video – This property enables you to showcase your product offerings in video format.

  3. Carousal – Carousal allows us to present multiple images/videos on the product on the screen which is a great opportunity for the brand to showcase multiple features of the product in an interactive manner.

  4. Branded survey – This is a branding activity where the property is designed to amplify the brand. It’s a short survey with questions designed to drive home the brands communication. It not only amplifies the brands  share of voice but also results in higher engagement.

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