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Wallpapers offer the highest impact in terms of reach as well as engagement. Every BikeWale user is exposed to this property. Being the first thing the user sees as soon they land on our homepage, the awareness and views this property offers aides TOMA for the said brand, especially during the launch phase.

PLACEMENT BIKEWALE : a) Desktop.   b)M-Site.  

We offer the following capabilities in our wallpapers

  1. Static – A visually appealing design along with content highlighting the benefits of the product, ensures the product and brand are represented and showcased in their full glory.

  2. Video – A video property that occupies the whole wallpaper dimensions ensures maximum eyeballs as the visuals pull the users attention towards this property.

  3. Webcast- Webcast have proven to be highly successful to amplify the ‘live launch and price reveal’ activations carried out by the brands. We give you a platform to send out your message to the most relevant audience.

  4. Animated – These wallpapers provide a unique ability for us to design personalized animations to distinguish the property from regular homepage offerings and thus drive maximum eyeballs towards this property.

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